Chromalloy is the world’s largest engine PMA manufacturer. Our advanced repairs & FAA-approved PMA parts deliver significant savings without sacrificing quality.
Chromalloy is an integrated solutions provider - for original equipment manufacturers, commercial airlines, militaries, oil and gas companies, and power companies - that delivers innovative solutions designed to reduce manufacturing and operating expenses and extend the life of gas turbine engines. Chromalloy is focused on quality and driven by innovation. It's in our roots - as pioneers of protective coatings for turbine airfoils since the 1950s. It's in our evolution - as one of the first independents to repair gas and turbine engine components. And it's in our future - as we continually develop new solutions that reduce costs and extend gas turbine engine life for manufacturers and operators alike.
Innovation creates longevity not only for our customers, but also for Chromalloy itself. Chromalloy has thrived over the last six decades because of our advancements and ingenuity. Today, we are a $1B company with locations in 11 countries around the world, which makes us one of the world's largest providers of advanced coatings and authorized repairs and parts for gas turbine engines. Thanks to our robust value chain, we are one of the only fully integrated solutions providers in the world that provides coatings, authorized repairs, castings and manufacturing overhauls - all from a single source.
Diverse expertise. Common values. We are over 4, 000 people strong, meeting the needs of our customers around the globe. We operate with a set of five values that guide every Chromalloy employee every day, through all of our processes, initiatives - and with every customer interaction. We are customer focused and work diligently to meet your needs. We believe in teamwork and work together to achieve success. And we are driven by innovation, continually striving to develop new and better solutions.
Customer-driven problem solvers. We are uniquely focused on our customers and their needs. We partner with our customers to provide the latest, most technologically advanced solutions and deliver those solutions in a flexible, cost-effective manner.
+ Commercial Aviation - Chromalloy works with major engine manufacturers and airlines worldwide to reduce their costs and extend the life of their gas turbine engines. These contracts leverage Chromalloy’s unique and complete value chain - from engineering services to make-complete authorized parts and repairs - all under one global brand.
+ Military - The United States military and armed forces around the world utilize Chromalloy parts, repairs and advanced services for many of their turbines in the air and at sea. Today, Chromalloy provides a full line of repair and maintenance capabilities for turbine engines used by the military.
+ Energy - We leverage our aerospace heritage, military insight and expertise in energy and power, to provide high-tech coatings, repairs and parts. As one of the only companies in the world that provide a full spectrum of services, our Energy customers - whether original equipment suppliers or operators - can feel confident and benefit from the simplicity of working with one partner. Through Turbine Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Chromalloy, we provide a wide range of services including field services, engineering, maintenance, long term service agreements, controls and monitoring.
+ Aeroderivative - Chromalloy provides full maintenance solutions including Chromalloy coatings, parts repair and reconditioning, and depot services for aeroderivative engine users.
+ Business & General Aviation - Business & General Aviation manufacturers and private jet owners turn to Chromalloy for technologically advanced solutions that reduce operating costs. Business jets are a significant investment, and dedicated parts and repairs from Chromalloy ensure that your aircraft is outfitted with the most efficient and advanced components available. And with units located around the globe, you can rest assured knowing that you have One Chromalloy's support no matter where you travel.
Servicios de estampado de tejidos de fibras químicas
Servicios de gofrado y calandrado de tejidos
Chromalloy has expanded from a gas turbine parts repair business into an OEM supplier of production parts and advanced repairs and services for gas turbines used in aviation and power applications. Chromalloy serves the airline, military, marine and energy segments with a broad range of services at locations around the globe.
Chromalloy is a subsidiary of Sequa Corporation. Sequa Corporation is a diversified industrial company with operations in the aerospace, metal coatings and automotive industries. Sequa is a Carlyle Group company. With unrivaled in-house capabilities and a commitment to innovation, we deliver value to aviation, energy, and military customers around the world.
Chromalloy is a global technology company with the engineering expertise to deliver solutions that make a measurable difference for our customers.
We are the only independent company in the world with the ability to cast, coat, and machine a part completely in-house, manufacturing even the most complex parts to spec – and engineering ways to make them better – in our advanced facilities.
We partner with manufacturers, operators, MROs, governments, and militaries to manufacture, repair, and maintain critical turbine components, supporting a range of engine platforms. Our solutions support transportation, large-scale industry, resource extraction, energy generation, and military missions around the world. The turbines that keep the world turning are our sole area of expertise—an area where our significant investments in technology have resulted in advancements for the industry at large.
// Chromalloy is trusted worldwide to provide manufacturing and repair services for gas turbine engine manufacturers and operators.
Chromalloy’s work as a leading independent provider of critical, high-value parts helps to diversify the global supply chain and foster healthy competition, making us an invaluable complement to the OEMs. We relentlessly challenge what’s possible because we know that more options can only drive our industry forward and allow us to better serve our aerospace, energy, and military customers.
Chromalloy’s innovation is rooted in our technical investments and industry-leading expertise, but it doesn’t stop there. We also strive to work as a true strategic partner, turning every customer challenge into an opportunity for us to discover new ways to add value.
Long live your engine. Chromalloy is globally trusted provider of maintenance, manufacturing, and repair services for gas turbine engines.
Chromalloy es una empresa global de ingeniería y soluciones. Somos un proveedor líder de repuestos, reparaciones y soluciones del mercado de accesorios que prolongan de manera segura y confiable la vida útil de los motores de aeronaves y las turbinas de gas. Desarrollamos, fabricamos y reparamos componentes críticos de turbinas para una variedad de plataformas de motores. Nuestras soluciones respaldan los motores que operan en las industrias aeroespacial, energética y de defensa en todo el mundo.
Los empleados de Chromalloy son personas orgullosas y apasionadas que resuelven problemas y se esfuerzan por vivir nuestros valores todos los días. Una carrera en Chromalloy es una oportunidad para aprender de los mejores expertos de la industria.
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